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News, tips and useful content for freight forwarders

6 min read
Business & Sales

Jan 03, 2018

What business meetings can say about your freight forwarding company

As you might know, freight forwarders are in constant need of establishing communication with partners locally and even overseas. This makes business meetings part of their everyday life. However, did you know that how well you are able to do face-to-face communication could spell the difference on whether you will close a sale or not?

That’s true. The way you conduct a business meeting can say a lot about your personality and reliability.  In other words, your performance in a meeting influences how your business partners and prospects will see you, and the credibility you will have in the market. Then, we can conclude that it is essential to do good in these situations!

You might be wondering though, what can you do to ensure that your business meetings will run successfully and bring you more sales opportunities? With the intent of helping you to figure that out, we have listed on this post everything a business meeting can say about you and your company. We hope that reading this will help you to be fully prepared to do amazing at your next meetings!


Everything business meetings can say about you

How confident and prepared you are

The first thing people notice as you are presenting your business and services to them is whether you are confident or not. This is why it is so important to prepare yourself beforehand. Even when you know everything you need to say by heart, there’s no such thing as improvisation when it comes to business meetings.

So, when you schedule a business meeting, think about your main purpose with it and outline the main topics you wish to go over with your partners or prospects. Putting up a PowerPoint can guide you through each of these topics and show that you took a time to plan the meeting. This will make a whole lot different on how they will see you!


Whether your brand is memorable or not

This is another major topic. Making your brand memorable to everyone at the meeting. Besides showing confidence, you can also do this by creating an impacting presentation, in which you ensure prospects will remember you after that meeting.

Include successful operations that your company has developed, make sure to dress properly for the occasion and take support materials, such as business cards, brochures, and corporate presentations. This way, even after the meeting is over, prospects will keep your company in mind and will still be able to learn more about it by reading these materials.


Whether you have the solution they need

Besides creating a great impression in the prospect’s mind, it is also important to show them that you offer exactly what they need. After all, doing well at a meeting is not all it takes to convince someone to hire your services. Therefore, make sure you position yourself as an expert in your field.

Remember that a meeting is a two-way kind of communication. Besides talking, it is extremely important to hear your prospect’s objectives and expectations. This will help you to plan what to say next and show them that you are the right partner to make them get there and reach these goals.


If you provide personalized assistance

With so many options of freight forwarders in the market, you should work on your differentials if you wish to stand out in the market. Your business may not be as big and known as other bigger and more traditional companies. However, focus on your strengths to make a difference.

Providing personalized service can be one of the things that will make prospects choose you over the competition. And you can start showing you offer this personalized assistance at the very first meeting with the prospect. If you do your research and learn everything about the prospect beforehand, you will be showing them that more than closing a sale, you care to understand about their business. Another way to do this paying extra attention to everything the prospect says during the meeting, and use that later on, to reinforce that you were listening and that your team is ready to fully correspond to their expectations and develop solutions that are entirely based on their needs.

Pay attention to these tips and you will have a great performance on your next business meetings! Twig Logistics Network is a group of independent freight forwarders worldwide. We provide our members with a strong online platform of business generation, as well as Twig Talk, our annual meeting, where Twiggers from all over the globe can meet in person and expand their network through workshops, social events and 10n1 meetings!

Want to learn how to have an even greater performance at logistics conferences? Download our free Ebook with exclusive tips on how to optimize your 1on1 meetings during these events!