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Twig Updates

Feb 08, 2018

Understand the new rules of Twig Badges Renewal & Awards

For this edition of Twig News, we will update you about the changes we’ve made on our Twig Badges program!

First of all, let’s give a brief explanation of what Twig badges consist of: they are stamps that go along every members’ profile and help the freight forwarders to differentiate themselves in the network. This is a practical manner of identifying what kind of services the companies provide and other specialties and qualifications they might have.

Starting this year, Twig has established some new rules regarding the Badges program. We did this in order to improve our members’ experience with the tool even more. See what has changed below!

Twig Awards

As you probably know, every year Twig Logistics Network awards the member holding the most badges in the group with a special prize. However, we believe that the quality of a member is not necessarily defined by how many badges they have.

Therefore, in order to increase your chances of winning this award, we have decided to change the rules. From 2018 on, instead of choosing the winner based on their number of badges, we will give the prize to the member who’s had the most outstanding performance under a certain badge category

How will this work?

Every year, we will announce which badge we will be considering for the award. In 2018, for instance, we have chosen the category Socially Engaged – members who are worried about building a better society.

So, any member whose company has done some type of social work in the past year is eligible to run for the award. All you need to do is send us an e-mail with proof (details & photos) of what has made your company be socially engaged in 2017. Besides having the chance to win the prize, you will still get some Twig Coins


Our team will analyze all the information received and select the member whose company had the most impressive performance under the chosen category. The winner will be announced at Twig Talk 2018, where they will get a special prize!

Badges Renewal 

The other change we have made on our Badges program is related to renewing the stamps. Before, the badges were permanent on our members’ profile, meaning that once you’d won a stamp you didn’t have to worry about keeping it over the time.

However, in order to run constant quality control in our group and allow members to have an up-to-date idea of their partners’ specialties and qualifications, we have decided that some Twig badges will need to be renewed annually. In other words, they will expire in a year, and if you wish for them to still appear on your profile, you’ll have to reapply for them on the internal area.

Check out the badges that need to be renewed annually:

Why not checking if you need to renew any of your badges now? It is very simple and won’t take long!