asked questions

How can we help you?

Who can be a Twig member?

To be a Twig member the company has to be a qualified independent freight forwarder with the mandatory requirements that we demand.

What is the annual fee to join Twig Network?

Twig’s annual fee is USD 1750. Check  out the complete proposal.

Does Twig offer free trials?

Twig does not offer free trials with respect to the members who have paid our full membership and are now receiving their payback in business exchange and also in reliable partnerships around the world.

Is the annual meeting participation included in the annual fee?

The annual meeting participation is apart from the membership fee. The participation cost can vary according to the time of the purchase of the participation ticket.

Is it mandatory to attend the annual meetings?

No, Twig does not consider participation in our annual meetings as something mandatory. However, we highly advise our members to participate due to the impressive results generated in business exchange and in new partnerships.

What are the main benefits provided by Twig?

We have several benefits. Click HERE to check all of them.

How can I get in contact with other partners through Twig?

Twig offers the most modern communications tools of the market so our members can easily get in touch with each other. Click HERE to check some of the communication tools offered

Does Twig Network have a member in my country?

To find out if we have a member in your country Click HERE and search by your country.

How many agents do you have per country?

We understand that forwarders get into a network to connect with the maximum amount of reliable partners possible. The more forwarders we have, the more we generate business among them. Taking that into consideration, we accept new members to our group by analyzing the balance of actual worldwide agents spread.

What are the requirements to join Twig?

In order to ensure that only reliable and qualified companies will join the group Twig counts with a strict selection process that allows us to evaluate each company before entering the group. Click HERE to check our requirements

Does Twig offer payment protection?

At Twig we follow a STRICT MEMBER SELECTION process, which establishes a careful quality control methodology and ensures that only reliable companies are welcome to join us. We are also constantly coming up with new ways to monitor the QUALITY of our members, such as Twig Visit, Partner Rating, Invoice Claim Tool, Badges and Agency Agreement. These tools allow us to identify non-engaged members and stop them from renewing their membership which makes the payment protection unnecessary.

Where is Twig Network located?

Twig is a network-based in Brazil. We are the biggest logistics network in Latin America.

Does Twig have only members in Latin America?

No, Twig has full global coverage in over 95 countries. We are capable of assisting our members in all main ports and airports around the world.

What are the Terms and Conditions of Twig?

Click HERE to check our Terms and Conditions