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News, tips and useful content for freight forwarders

8 min read
Business & Sales

Jul 05, 2019

Everything you must know to manage your logistics company

Managing a logistics company is not an easy task. But we all know that efficient management is key to success. Therefore, several factors influence in that matter, and that can help you effectively manage your company.

Besides that, there is always room for improvement and ways that you can streamline your logistics process and improve your results. Want to know more about it? Then keep reading this post, because here we are going to tell you everything you must know to manage your logistics company. Check it out!

Crucial tips to effectively manage your logistics company

Plan ahead

We know that planning involves many actions, like establishing budgets, procuring the goods, storage facilities, suppliers contracts and negotiations, delivery of products, and more. Besides that – money, time, transportation, and costs – the primary purpose of planning is to achieve maximum work in the least possible time while aiming to maximize the profits.

Therefore, planning correctly enables you to be prepared for the unexpected and to solve problems that may happen. It also helps you to reduce or eliminate any delays in the supply chain.

Have a contingency plan

It is impossible to be prepared for every possible eventuality that may happen in your logistics company. For that, having a contingency plan is a way to stay ahead of any problem or emergency that may occur in your logistics plan. To do that, you should have contingencies for every element and point of your supply chain process and know when to stick to the original plan and when to switch to your backup.

Value relations

Always remember that your team is an essential aspect of your logistics company. They are directly responsible for your business growth and, because of that, you need to invest appropriately in their training. Keeping them updated helps increase efficiency and contentment, which impacts the clients’ satisfaction.

Efficient transportation

The transportation department is crucial for any logistics business, right? With that in mind, it is essential that this area is always analyzed to decrease expenses and find ways to optimize the delivery of products. Finding better routes, choosing cost-effective packages, and determine the safest methods, helps you to guarantee efficiency and also saves money.

Measure and improvise

Measuring, interpreting, reviewing, and giving feedbacks is essential for any logistics company that wants to optimize its processes. When you implement a new system or establish new strategies, you need to measure their output and interpret their results to make adjustments. Besides that, receiving ideas and suggestions from clients and employees ensures that you improve tasks and reveals defects or imperfections in your system.

Adopt automation

We are in the digital age, and that means that we have new technologies to help improve logistics processes and optimize results. Therefore, automation has an important role in increasing the efficiency of an organization. In that way, you can have tools that can automate processes like tracking and monitoring deliveries, or to input data into your logistics software, refining procedures, and increasing productivity.

Extra tip: 5 ways to boost your logistics company productivity

Besides all of the topics we listed above, another way that you help you manage your logistics company and also boost your productivity is using resources that will stimulate not only you but your employees to perform as efficiently as possible

Below you will see five effective ways that will facilitate the organization of your routine, optimize your time, get more work done, accomplish your long-term goals, and therefore increase results. Check them out!

  • Evernote: an online application that helps to organize essential files, documents, or anything related to your supply chain management. It can be accessed at all times and locations and enables you to keep track of all the information regarding a specific shipment easily and effectively.
  • Web Fleet: an Android application that monitors the daily operations of your workforce. With this app, you can manage the business in real time from your phone or computer, tracking operations and ensuring everything is going as planned 24/7.
  • Easy Stock Software: a cloud-based tool used to organize inventories, helping managers forecast, plan budgets, and raise profit margins by establishing effective control over their warehousing activities.
  • Co-pilot mobile app: an app that facilitates road navigation and helps truck drivers to follow efficient routes and avoid traffic or other factors that could delay delivery.
  • Twig Logistics Network: the most selected network for global independent freight forwarders. With reliable agents from all across the globe, it offers several different tools for them to connect and exchange business.

We know that being part of a network helps, but it is also important to learn how to find the right partner for your business. Therefore, we created an e-Book that will help you with that! Download our “Guide to finding the right freight forwarder”!

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