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10 min read
Business & Sales

May 01, 2019

10 logistics communication skills to do better networking

In order to build a solid network of connections as a freight forwarder, you should work on your logistics communication skills. After all, it is known as a fact that, in the logistics segment, a great part of profit and business opportunities come from personal relationships built with clients and partners, right?

Therefore, establishing good communication with prospects and current partners/customers is a must to succeed in this market. This is why, as experts in logistics networking, we have prepared some useful tips to help you work on your logistics communication skills and build long-term relationships with the people who really matter to your business.

Tips to improve logistics communication

1) Pay full attention

Listening is key to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstood. We’re all busier than ever before, and selling your company to a freight forwarder can put you under much pressure.

Showing up to a logistics event isn’t just about physically being there. You have to dedicate 100% of your attention to each meeting, otherwise, you’ll miss details and make your partner repeat things they’ve already told you. It’ll be obvious when you’re not paying attention, and that’s no way to treat your partners or potential partners.

2) Practice active listening

Not only do you have to listen, but you also have to listen actively. Active listening is a logistics communication technique that requires the listener to fully concentrate, understand, respond and then remember what is being said.

A few tips to do that:

 Confirm you heard the prospect the best way possible;

 Feedback the content of the prospect’s words;

 Ask a relevant follow-up question to further clarify your understanding of their situation.

3) Read body language and control your own

The difference between the words people speak and our understanding of what they are saying comes from non-verbal communication, otherwise known as “body language.”

Body language often reveals our true intentions or meaning. Great communicators know how to read others’ body language so they can anticipate the direction a conversation’s heading, and also make sure their own body language isn’t sending out signals they don’t mean to broadcast.

4) Master the nuances of voice tone

The voice tone is as important as body language, the volume, speed, and even your word choice will affect the way the words you’re actually saying are interpreted.

Follow the same line of speaking as the freight forwarder representing does, slow down if they speak slowly — or speed up if they talk rapidly. Match your level of formality and familiarity to your prospect as well.

5) Be empathetic

Being empathetic will not only make you more likable but also increase the chances of closing a deal. Try to see things from your prospect point of view, try to understand the things your prospect does at work every day and the challenges they face.

6) Understand what’s not being said

Prospects sometimes don’t tell the whole truth, and you should know how to notice when it’s happening These are crucial things to know, and you can’t take them out until you learn to read between the lines.

7) Speak in specifics

In order to be persuasive, you should be specific.  Convince people by pointing specific examples or anecdotes that support your point, this way, you can demonstrate exactly how your freight forwarder will be the perfect match for his services and way to work.

8) Be a logistics expert

You can’t be specific if you don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. As a logistics expert, you should show him that you know the logistics industry concerns, behaviors, and buying patterns.

In order to find other logistics experts, that really know what they are doing in their freight forwarders, you should participate in a logistics network that really chooses their members. Check out how Twig Logistics Network chooses its members here.

9) Know what they don’t know

Being an expert doesn’t mean you must know everything about the logistics business. So don’t act as you do. You should know enough to handle your partner cargoes, to have great support, also an amazing operational, but you’ll always have to rely on your prospects to fill in the little details.

Know the gaps in your knowledge, then ask your freight forwarder partner to help fill them in. They’ll appreciate your honesty about what you don’t know, and you’ll avoid losing deals because of false assumptions.

10) Be genuinely curious

Ask good questions! If you’re not actually curious about your freight forwarder partner situation, it’ll be all too easy to lose the possible business that relationship can get you. Be naturally curious about their conversational counterparts.

Time to put these logistics communication tips into action!

As you can see, there are many ways in which working on your logistics communication skills can help you to build some valuable connections for your business. But if you want to enhance your networking abilities even further, make sure to also check out our exclusive eBook with a Complete Guideline for Networking.

To access the material, all you need to do is fill in the gaps below: